STPP Resources

Audio Documentary: BBC – The School-to-Prison Pipeline

1 Student Arrested Every Day in NYC; 94% are African American

5 Reasons Why Students Are Being Arrested in Schools by Christopher Emdin

American Schools as ‘Punishment Laboratories’

Arrests in City Schools Affect Mostly Black Students

Criminal Injustice Kos: Interrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline: A Survey from the Field

Disrupt the Pipeline: A Wiki Resource

For Black Males, School Jail Rock by Marvin King

Gwinnett Schools Policy Authorizes Police Use of Force

Michelle Alexander on the New Jim Crow and the School-to-Prison Pipeline by Jody Sokolower

More Kids Go To Court for Classroom Misbehavior by Morgan Smith

The Mystery School to Prison Pipeline by Prevention Action

Only in America: Cops Giving Tickets to 6 Year Olds

The Price of Choosing Jails Over Schools

School to Prison: A Pipeline That Must Be Dismantled by Theresa El-Amin and H. Berrien Zettler

School to Prison Pipeline: A Look at New York City School Safety

School-to-Prison Pipeline: Zero Tolerance for Latino Youth by Marlene Sallo (September 2011)

The School to Prison Pipeline: Dropouts or “Push-Outs”

The School-to-Prison Pipeline: A Nationwide Problem for Equal Rights by Molly Knefel, Rolling Stone, November 7, 2013

School Zero Tolerance Kills Dreams, Hurts the Economy

Schools Zero Tolerance Policy Too Harsh

Special Issue: The School-to-Prison Pipeline – Rethinking Schools

State’s Shameful Trade-Off: Putting Prisons Over Public Schools

Stopping the Rail to Jail – Publication from CJNY

Stopping the School to Prison Pipeline in NYC

Teaching Tolerance: Special Issue – School-to-Prison Pipeline

Why Does Los Angeles Criminalize Black and Brown Youth? by Aura Bogado, The Nation, November 8, 2013

With More Police in Schools, Students in Texas Get More Tickets

Youth of Color, the School-to-Prison Pipeline, and the Private Prison Industry by Danielle Dirks

Zero Tolerance Bans on Weapons in Schools Lack Common Sense


Blacks Struggle with School-to-Prison Pipeline (news report)

Education Not Incarceration: A Short Film by Press Pass TV

YouTube: Is America Criminalizing Children?

YouTube: Judith Browne-Dianis of the Advancement Project Discusses Zero Tolerance

Youth Activists Challenge the School to Prison Pipeline: Panel Discussion

Youth Activists in California Protest against Proposition 21 in 2000 – Schools Not Jails


Chicago School to Prison Pipeline Infographic


The School to Prison Pipeline by Rachel Marie Crane-Williams

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