Indiana Juvenile Justice: “When discussing the school-to-prison pipeline or “school push-out,” an interesting dataset comes from the U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection website. Simply enter a school, scroll to the bottom to the section labeled “Discipline, Restraints/Seclusion, Harassment/Bullying.” From there, compare the overall school enrollment statistics to the race/ethnicity of the kids who are suspended and expelled. The most recent data available is from 2009-10. Data is generally collected biannually, so hopefully additional data will be released soon. 7,000 schools across the country were included in the dataset.
Using Richmond High School, Richmond, Indiana 47374 as an example (data available here):
Black students make up 9.6% of the school enrollment, but 19.5% of the in school suspensions, 13.5% of the out of school suspensions, and 14.3% of the expulsions.
White students make up 76.1% of the school enrollment, 65.9% of the in school suspensions, 70.3% of the out of school suspensions, and, interestingly, 85.7% of the expulsions.
There is also data available on the right side of the charts about law enforcement referrals, restraints, bullying, etc.”