Monthly Archives: December 2010

A School to Prison Pipeline ‘Christmas Story’…

We came across this terrific letter to the editor by Mark Roberts titled How times have changed.  The letter used the terrific film “A Christmas Story’” to make a serious point about the current school to prison pipeline.  We felt … Continue reading

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Update on 5th Grader Who Was Suspended for Peppermint Oil

Here is another example of “zero tolerance” policies run amok from Long Island where a 5th grader was suspended for bringing peppermint oil to school. Administrators at a Long Island school suspended a 10-year-old girl for bringing peppermint oil to … Continue reading

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Youth Activism to Challenge the School to Prison Pipeline

It’s important to highlight the many ways that young people are working to dismantle the school to prison pipeline.  Here is a report about a group of youth in California who are marching for 50 miles to raise awareness between … Continue reading

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Lawsuit: Beatings and Pepper Spray to Punish Students in Birmingham

From, we learn the following: Birmingham’s school district and police chief are being sued for a different injustice: pepper spraying defenseless children as a common practice to enforce discipline. How sad that in the city forever connected to Dr. … Continue reading

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Interesting Story: Suspensions Lead to Crime…

From Fox 23 News: 3,160.that’s the number of suspensions so far this year in Tulsa Public Schools. The actual number of suspended students, is lower than that because some students are suspended more than once. But, police say, whatever the … Continue reading

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